by Nicky Walker | Jan 13, 2021 | Business, Call Handling, In the Office
For some, working remotely or working from home seemed like a dream too good to ever come true. No more early starts to miss the rush hour, no more hitting the snooze button 2 or 3 times too many and then actually being caught in the rush hour. No more sitting next to...
by Nicky Walker | Nov 28, 2019 | Business, Call Handling, In the Office
Our IT boffins have been hard at work over the past few months to deliver our brand new telephone answering app and we are pleased to announce that it is now live and available for download. What is this new app and what can it do for me? Our new app has been designed...
by Nicky Walker | Mar 23, 2017 | Charities, In the Office
Connect are delighted to announce our sponsorship of Nathan “Lightning” MacQueen. Nathan MacQueen is a British Paralympian archer who competed in his first Paralympics last year at Rio 2016. He lives locally to our main office near Edinburgh and Connect...
by Nicky Walker | Dec 5, 2016 | In the Office, Call Handling
There are many different customer service roles out there, and many ways to be an effective member of a customer service team. Whether you are in retail, client services, hospitality, sales or any other customer-facing role, you are bound to face a number of difficult...
by Nicky Walker | Oct 13, 2016 | In the Office, Business
When there is background noise on a call, it can be a challenge for all parties to communicate effectively. It is important to take steps to alleviate background noise, in order to make the customer experience as best as possible. So, what can be done and what do we...
by Nicky Walker | Jun 23, 2016 | Offers, Call Handling, In the Office
Why our 14 day free trial is here to stay Why do you offer such a long trial? We know that our service may be a new concept to many businesses and so a one week or 10 day trial probably isn’t long enough to fully get used to how we work. 10 days also isn’t...