by Nicky Walker | Apr 10, 2024 | Business, Call Answering Tips, Call Handling, Virtual Receptionist
The last couple of decades have seen new ways emerge for businesses to communicate with each other and with consumers. Text messages, chat programs and, most of all, interactive websites have changed the way we interact with each other. However, for many, the...
by Nicky Walker | Mar 18, 2024 | Business, Call Answering Tips, Virtual Receptionist
Great customer service is key to the success of any brand, and one of the very first opportunities for a company to show off their customer service is through their receptionist. As the first point of contact, be it in person on the front desk or over the phone,...
by Nicky Walker | Feb 29, 2024 | Call Answering Tips, Call Handling, Virtual Receptionist
The greeting a caller receives when they call a business is like the shop window and front door of your business in one. Rightly or wrongly, callers will likely take their experience of phone conversations as an indicator of what they can expect from the business as a...
by Nicky Walker | Feb 9, 2024 | Business, Call Answering Tips, Call Handling, Virtual Receptionist
Have you ever been greeted, either in person or on the phone, by a receptionist who wasn’t exactly the friendliest or most helpful? I have, and it leaves a lasting impression of that company that’s hard to forget, even if the service or product they...
by Nicky Walker | Jan 17, 2024 | Business, Call Answering Tips
The way in which businesseses and customers communicate with each other has changed beyond nearly all recognition in the past decade. Instant responses and continuous connectivity have become the norm, the ability to maintain an ‘always-on’ level of...
by Nicky Walker | Nov 21, 2023 | Call Answering Tips
In the past, people thought of a handful of industries and being ‘fast paced’ but now, with the advent of digital communications, it’s hard to think of an industry that isn’t fast moving. Amongst all the emails and apps, it can be too easy to lose sight of a timeless...