Five ways a virtual receptionist can streamline the workload

Streamlining the workload can help make a business more effective and efficient. This makes it a more positive workplace, boosts profitability, and enhances the customer experience. Whether your business is big or small, one way to streamline the work is to use a virtual receptionist.

 What is a virtual receptionist?

While a virtual receptionist can mean a sophisticated software system, it often refers to a human professional who works as part of a team for an outsourced provider. They can handle calls in the name of the company that has hired them, in the way the company has specified. This can help boost efficiency and efficiency in a number of ways.


Five ways a virtual receptionist helps busy professionals


1) No call unanswered

A phone call might be the first contact a new client has with your business but in a busy office, calls can often go unanswered, leaving a poor first impression. Many potential clients will not bother to leave a message on an answering service, resulting in lost business. A virtual receptionist will make sure the calls are answered in a professional manner ( which will present your business in a favourable light.


2) Managing calls

Dealing with every call in-house takes up time. A virtual receptionist may be able to handle some enquiries themselves, or they can forward calls to the relevant person or department in your business. This means you are only handling calls that need your expertise, while delivering a quicker, more relevant response for the client. Not all calls are useful, and businesses often waste time answering cold calls for services they neither need nor want. These calls a virtual receptionist will quickly dismiss.


3) Free up staff

With a virtual receptionist handling many routine tasks, such as taking calls or organising appointments, in-house staff will be available for other tasks that can improve quality and efficiency. It may also make the business more dynamic, as they focus on more creative tasks that can result in greater innovation.


4) No absence

An in-house virtual receptionist could also handle the tasks above, helping to streamline the business. But however efficient an in-house receptionist is, there will be times when they are not there. They will take annual leave or could become unwell and unable to work. A virtual receptionist is one of a team who are familiar with your business. This ensures that absences are covered, maintaining a professional standard at all times.


5) Scalable service

A small business may not have enough work for a full-time receptionist but could struggle to fill a position with limited hours. A large business might have too much work for a single receptionist but not enough work for two, resulting in either an overworked receptionist or an employee with little to do. When hiring a virtual receptionist, a company will usually offer different packages ( so you can choose the one that meets your needs, whether this is simply taking a few calls a month or handling multiple calls a day and a booking system.